The Medical Devices Unit in the Department of Product Evaluation & Registration at BoMRA
will conduct stakeholder sessions to discuss the Medical Devices including In Vitro Diagnostics
Voluntary Registration due to start 1st October 2023. Discussions will include among others medical
devices: regulatory roadmap, registration plan, registration guidelines & requirements, submission
of applications through the BoMRA Regulatory Information Management System (BRIMS). The
stakeholder engagement targets all relevant stakeholders inclusive of; manufacturers, local authorized
representatives, distributors, retailers and importers.
The sessions will be scheduled as follows:
SESSION 1: Thursday 5th October 2023 0900 – 1230hrs (Physical Engagement – limited to 50 seats)
SESSION 2: Thursday 5th October 2023 1400 – 1700hrs (Online Engagement-Microsoft Teams)
Please use the link provided below to register your intention to attend the relevant stakeholder
engagement session by the 2nd October 2023 for planning purposes.
Kindly note that the content of the two engagement sessions is the same. However, the morning
session (SESSION 1) will be limited to 1 representative per company. Detailed information regarding
each stakeholder engagement session will be communicated directly to the confirmed attendees.
For further questions on this notice or any other issues related to this communication and/or session
registration, kindly contact the Botswana Medicines Regulatory Authority at: