The Department of Product Evaluation & Registration at BoMRA will conduct in person stakeholder
engagement sessions to discuss:
Cosmetics – topics to be discussed include; cosmetics listing preliminary findings, prohibited and
restricted ingredients, legislative changes and the correct labelling of cosmetics.
Medical devices including in vitro diagnostics (IVDs) – topics to be discussed include; processes and
guidelines: registration roadmap, registration timelines and fees.
The stakeholder engagement targets all relevant stakeholders, inclusive of manufacturers, importers,
distributors, retailers, local representatives, associations, and facilities.
Please use the link provided below to register your intention to attend the relevant stakeholder
engagement session before the 11TH OF NOVEMBER 2022 for planning purposes. Please, kindly
note that the content of the different engagement sessions, as indicated in the table above, is the
same. Additionally, specific venues for the respective sessions will be communicated directly to the
confirmed attendees.
Medical devices including IVDs: