Gaborone – The Medicines Regulatory Board is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Seima Dijeng as the Chief Executive Officer of the Botswana Medicines Regulatory Authority, effective May 1, 2024.
Dr. Dijeng has been acting as CEO since January 2023, overseeing the winding up of BoMRA’s first Strategic Plan and leading the team in developing a new five-year strategy which seeks to propel BoMRA toa attain regulatory excellence nationally and regionally.
He initially joined BoMRA in 2018 as the founding Director for Licensing and Enforcement, where he established key business units such as pharmaceutical premises inspections and licensing, Laboratory testing & analysis, import/export control, and enforcement.
Dr. Dijeng is an experienced regulatory professional with a background of regulation in both agricultural and pharmaceutical sectors. He holds a Master of Science Degree from University College Dublin and a Bachelor of Veterinary Science from the University of Queensland. He has also received training in various pharmaceutical regulation short courses. He has completed an Executive Development Programme with the University of Stellenbosch Business School. Prior to joining BoMRA, Dr. Dijeng worked for the Ministry of Agriculture in the Department of Veterinary Services, advancing to the position of Deputy Director. He has served on various committees and currently chairs the Governance committee of the SADC Medicines Regulatory Harmonization Initiative.
The Board looks forward to the continued support of stakeholders in helping BoMRA achieve its goal of ensuring the safety, quality, and efficacy of all medical products and cosmetics for optimal health outcomes. Congratulations to Dr. Dijeng on his appointment, and best wishes for success in his new role.